Handre Kertha Utama has won Bronze medal in International Conference of Young Scientists 2013 |
Senin, 22 April 2013
Congratulation for Handre Kertha Utama to win bronze
Jumat, 12 April 2013
Life is never flat
5 April 1996 is not a special day for anyone but it
was a special day for my parents because they welcomed their first child birth.
They gave me name Gede Sumantara Adi Pranata. People say life is never flat but
for me my family life is almost flat. There is nothing special about my life,
it’s only internal conflict as usual. No luxurious life but the experiences I
got are priceless. Internal conflicts have made me understand more how to act
to other & become more wise.
Since I was
at 10 grade, my mother suffered for breast cancer. My father can do nothing
except taking care of my mother who can only lied on bed. It has given my
father more burden. He becomes more busy. He must manage his time between his
profession and to take care of my mother.
Now almost 1
year my mother can’t to leave bed (She died March 2013). Several months ago my brother got an accident when he was buying
food for my mother. That accident broke my brother bone, no surgery were done
for my brother because the cost are expensive. The first time I heard that news
I did not believe that, I only laughed. I believed the news when I saw the
photos of my brother current condition. My mother Cok Istri Wahyuni cried for 2
days and did not want to eat. It made her health getting worst. I knew my
father’s feeling when my brother got an accident, but he hid the sadness to the
other and kept smiling. I knew that was only a fake smile. My father I Wayan
Santa wanted to give me example to be tough and strong.
scholarship in SMA N Bali Mandara are very helping. It lightens up my father
burden to be more focus on my mother and my brother health now.
I was only an ordinary student when
I was in Junior High School at SMPN 1 Bangli. Almost no competition I joined.
The only competition I joined only OSK and got 2nd rank in the selection.
The chance to join competition was so limited. The school only featured the big
three in the school. The other students’ chance are being limited to show their
potential in academic.
MANDARA (Sampoerna Academy) has different atmosphere. When I study here, I am free
to find my academic potential. I join Physic Club and now I’m in Science Class and
get many chance to join competition in regional, province level. I am proud to
join almost all physic competition in 11 grade.
The first
experience of competition was in Ganesha University, the first and the worst
rank I got. I got 64 rank in that competition which was province level. In the
next physic competition in Udayana University I improved myself and got 17
rank. Then I got chance to join another Physic Olympiad which held by Malang
University. In this competition, there were groups consist of 2 person. My
partner was Made Gita Narendra Kumara, who is expert in Physic. The preparation
for the competition was very serious there. I am proud to be one of Physic Club
member of SMANBARA. Many competition, I can join in this school. I got many
experiences by joining Physic competition either in the competition atmosphere,
strategic and preparation.
This school is multicultural; I like
to know other friends who are from different regency of Bali. Different
regency, different behavior. We need to know each other’s character. Live
together there has helped me in academic. We can share and learn from others.
The area of school that large school is other thing that I like. Sometimes I
just walk around with some friends to refresh and hunt fruit there. I enjoy
every single time in this school: singing together, laughing, studying, etc. I
found my second family there. Teacher there, are friendly and they understand
us as a teenagers. They are like my friend to tell what I feel, they are always
listening to us. It will be unforgettable moment in SMA N Bali MAndara.
Like another teenager, I always
change my dream. Be an engineer is my dream, because my passion is physic. Ambition?
I’m the person which sometime just let it flow. Some say I’m a pessimist
person, but I feel I am only realistic oriented. I do not want to expect too
high because when I expect too high, I will feel disappointed. I hope I can
take Mathematics, English, Physic and Biology A and AS level exam and get good
mark. Another wish is I can join OSN (National Science Olympiad).
Selasa, 09 April 2013
Siswa-siswi SMANBARA di pentas apresiasi budaya pelajar
Kamis, 04 April 2013
Selamat Hari Raya Kuningan
Staff, Guru, segenap siswa SMA Negeri Bali Mandara mengucapkan Selamat hari raya Kuningan, 6 April 2013.
Penerimaan aplikasi sampai 13 April 2013.
Mohon dicek kembali kelengkapan pendaftaran agar tidak bolak balik sesuai dengan cek list formulir :
1. rekomendasi kepala sekolah & guru yang di cap sekolah
2. rapot yang dilegalisir di tiap semester dari semester 1 sampai 5
3. fotokopi kartu KK
4. fotocopi KTP kedua orang tua
5. 2 pas photo berwarna 4x6
6. rekening listrik atau bukti sewa rumah. Bila tidak memiliki rekening listrik sendiri agar mencantumkan surat keterangan dari Lurah atau RT setempat
7. slip gaji & surat keterangan penghasilan dari kepala desa
8. surat keterangan tidak mampu
9. photocopy piagam keikutsertaan lomba, organisasi dan lain lain
formulir diisi selengkap lengkapnya dengan meterai 6ribu
Penerimaan aplikasi sampai 13 April 2013.
Mohon dicek kembali kelengkapan pendaftaran agar tidak bolak balik sesuai dengan cek list formulir :
1. rekomendasi kepala sekolah & guru yang di cap sekolah
2. rapot yang dilegalisir di tiap semester dari semester 1 sampai 5
3. fotokopi kartu KK
4. fotocopi KTP kedua orang tua
5. 2 pas photo berwarna 4x6
6. rekening listrik atau bukti sewa rumah. Bila tidak memiliki rekening listrik sendiri agar mencantumkan surat keterangan dari Lurah atau RT setempat
7. slip gaji & surat keterangan penghasilan dari kepala desa
8. surat keterangan tidak mampu
9. photocopy piagam keikutsertaan lomba, organisasi dan lain lain
formulir diisi selengkap lengkapnya dengan meterai 6ribu
Penerimaan Aplikasi sampai 13 April 2013
Penerimaan aplikasi sampai 13 April 2013.
Mohon dicek kembali kelengkapan pendaftaran agar tidak bolak balik sesuai dengan cek list formulir :
1. rekomendasi kepala sekolah & guru yang di cap sekolah
2. rapot yang dilegalisir di tiap semester dari semester 1 sampai 5
3. fotokopi kartu KK
4. fotocopi KTP kedua orang tua
5. 2 pas photo berwarna 4x6
6. rekening listrik atau bukti sewa rumah. Bila tidak memiliki rekening listrik sendiri agar mencantumkan surat keterangan dari Lurah atau RT setempat
7. slip gaji & surat keterangan penghasilan dari kepala desa
8. surat keterangan tidak mampu
9. photocopy piagam keikutsertaan lomba, organisasi dan lain lain
formulir diisi selengkap lengkapnya dengan meterai 6ribu
Mohon dicek kembali kelengkapan pendaftaran agar tidak bolak balik sesuai dengan cek list formulir :
1. rekomendasi kepala sekolah & guru yang di cap sekolah
2. rapot yang dilegalisir di tiap semester dari semester 1 sampai 5
3. fotokopi kartu KK
4. fotocopi KTP kedua orang tua
5. 2 pas photo berwarna 4x6
6. rekening listrik atau bukti sewa rumah. Bila tidak memiliki rekening listrik sendiri agar mencantumkan surat keterangan dari Lurah atau RT setempat
7. slip gaji & surat keterangan penghasilan dari kepala desa
8. surat keterangan tidak mampu
9. photocopy piagam keikutsertaan lomba, organisasi dan lain lain
formulir diisi selengkap lengkapnya dengan meterai 6ribu
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Sosialisasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru SMA Negeri Bali Mandara diadakan di 8 kabupaten & 1 kotamadya melalui MKKS ( Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah) masing-masing kabupaten & kotamadya. |
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